
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world”

- John Muir

Scenic and adventure photography has always been a source of inspiration for me. They have motivated me to explore the world and experience first hand the places captured through a viewfinder. This is the fundamental purpose behind my work, to inspire the viewer to “go” and in some cases to guide them on an adventure myself. I seek to encourage you, to experience wanderlust, to Inspire you to stand where I have stood and create memories of your own through my work.


My passion for photography started while mountaineering, rock climbing, skiing and camping. I hope to inspire people to see the world with my collection. This is a compilation of my current works available for viewing and purchase.

Sierra Nevada

Coastal California




I offer a range of photographic services including artwork for purchase, photographer for hire, and a unique commissioned work opportunity. I also offer privately guided trips and alpine experiences in the Eastern Sierra. Whether it is a day hike, overnight excursion, climbing trip or backcountry expedition I am here to create a safe and unforgettable adventure for all skillsets and abilities.



Fine Art

Purchase work from The Collection

In order to ensure the value of each photograph there is a finite number of each piece printed. These images will remain in the vault but will no longer be available after their quota is reached. All sizing and style options are found in Collection on the home page. For purchase or questions contact me.


Commissioned Projects

Commissioned and custom artwork created and developed directly with Noah Dach

Have you ever dreamt of a photograph but couldn’t take it yourself? Always wanted the perfect photo of somewhere for a specific wall but just cant find it? Maybe it doesn’t exist, I will bring it to life.

I will create a one of a kind and completely unique piece specifically for you. This is an in depth and completely individualized process unlike any other.

As an Alpine adventure you can also join me on an expedition or trip to capture the work you have always imagined and to actually be there when the shutter captures your shot. For more information on guided adventures click HERE or visit the Guide page.



Photographer for hire for events, branding, or productions

Perhaps you need a photographer to capture a personal moment, want to document your activity, create images for your brand or product, document an event or highlight a special moment. Perhaps you want a photographer to come with you on your adventure to capture the special moments or maybe someone to guide you and photograph a once in a lifetime experience. I provide photography service to capture it all. Contact me and we’ll explore your vision together!